The Admin Portal is available to Groov's partner organisations and paying enterprise customers.

To access the Admin Portal as an admin, please complete these two steps:

  1. Create an account on the Groov app with your work email address following these instructions.
  2. Please notify our Customer Success team at that you would like access to the Admin Portal.

We will grant you admin access rights to the Admin Portal for your organisation. You are now ready to explore Groov Insights and manage your subscription access list. If you want to give other people in your organisation access, please provide the Customer Success team with their account details.

Please note that Groov Insights has confidential and business-sensitive information about Groovapp use in your organisation. Giving individuals access to the Admin Portal also gives them full access to the analytics feature and its data. Please consider carefully who should have access to the portal. You can find out more about our privacy policy here.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this process, please don't hesitate to contact us here.